This information comes from the family of Lester Herbert Schultz, I include it because I think it is an interesting link to the historical records and connects it to one of the men who were lost manning their gun despite the risk they faced.

My name is Eric Lester Schultz. My father, Edgar Leroy Schultz was the youngest brother of Lester Herbert Schultz. Lester was the only gunner to fire shots on the incoming kamikaze pilot on May 1st, 1945, that attacked the USS Terror. I have recently been given a scrapbook that my Aunt put together about my Uncle Lester (my middle name sake) which is what has led me to want to gather more information about the May 1, 1945 attack, and ultimately, to your website.
One more thing Colin… I want to give credit to Uncle Lester’s sister, my Aunt Lorraine (Dolly) Winkler for creating and keeping up with the scrapbook that this information was retrieved from.
Hi Colin,
Below, and attached are some of the articles I have, related to my uncle, Lester Herbert Schultz.
Wikipedia describes the events of May 1, 1945 (copied below) with a brief mention of 1 gunman getting shots off on the incoming plane.
from Wikipedia:
Kamikaze attack, 1 May 1945
Minutes before 04:00 on 1 May 1945, as Terror lay at anchor in Kerama Retto, a kamikaze dove toward the ship. Darting through a hole in the smoke screen and coming in on Terror’s port beam, the attacker banked sharply around the stern, then came in from the starboard quarter so rapidly that only one of the minelayer’s stern guns opened fire. As the plane crashed into the ship’s communication platform, one of its bombs exploded. The other penetrated the main deck before it, too, exploded. The aircraft’s engine tore through the ship’s bulkheads to land in the wardroom. Fire flared immediately in the superstructure but was soon controlled and, within two hours, was extinguished. Flooding of the magazines prevented possible explosions, and no engineering damage occurred, but the kamikaze had exacted its toll. The attack cost Terror 171 casualties: 41 dead, 7 missing, and 123 wounded.
Wikipedia’s description was further clarified as my uncle being the lone gunman, in a letter to my grandmother. Attached are pictures of the 2 page letter from Verne Daniels, Uncle Lester’s good friend and shipmate.
I have more naval correspondence and artifacts, like Lester’s Purple Heart, but I’m not sure what you want, or how much of it.
Please get back to me with any additional requests, or questions. I would be honored to assist you in any way I can.
Ric Eric Lester Schultz
The letters are attached.