Crew Info – A to L


This information only includes individuals who authorized their information be included or family members who provided the information. If it is inaccurate or you wish it to be removed, contact me at If you have details or a short story about a crew member or a simple picture, please forward it to me and I will try and add them.


Allison, Harold :

My Grandfather was on the Terror and we as a family know very little about the way he died on the ship . If there is anyone that has any information about Harold Allison our family would be forever grateful! I think this is a wonderful site and I wish that there was more information on the crew that served on board the Terror. Thanks for putting this site together!

Asenze, Dante(Danny) :

My grandfather served onboard the USS Terror during World War II. His  name was John Paul Benda. He met his lifelong friend Danny Asenze while onboard. My grandfather passed away on October 13, 2004 and I’d like to add his name and his friend Danny’s to your website.

LTJG Benda, J.A.


Badger, Charles J. :

My dad, Charles J Badger, served on the Terror in 1945. My dad was a cook on the ship. He wanted to get a list of the crew to see if he remembered anyone. Do you know where I could get one? I saw your site, but did not see a list of the complete crew. Also if you have the names or email addresses to any of the cooks, we would appreciate it. Lisa Almodovar (daughter) (4/2003)

Banner, Ardeal :

Ardeal is retired and lives in Morristown, TN. He would love to hear from any crew members who may have remembered him. Jill Banner (daughter-in-law) (5/2006)

Barr, John Andrew :

My father, John Andrew Barr served on TERROR from 1943 to 1945 as mineman 3rd class. He was wounded in the kamikaze attack in May 1945. He died December 25th, 1963, at the age of 39. I was 2 years old when he died, but used to read his Bluejacket’s Manual, & mineman’s notebook (which I still have)…..My mother has two of Lloyd’s paintings of the TERROR hanging in her living room, the calm one, and under attack. I spent many hours drawing the ship when I was a lad.. Thank you, John Barr (son) (11/2002)

Since he died when I was 2 years old, I only know from his discharge papers that he was a mineman 3rd class, and that he was wounded in the kamikaze attack on the ship.

He was a good man, and good father, built my mother a nice house before he passed away. (Helped as a stone mason before entering the Navy in WWII.)

Christmas eve 1963, he worked the 3 to 11pm shift in the coal mines, came home, and died in his sleep from a heart attack on Christmas morning, leaving my mother and 4 children, he was 39.

…… mother never re-married. I always get a bit solemn around the holidays.

My fishing boat is named: ‘USS TERROR’, and has sailed many rivers here in PA for the past 30 years, or so, and still does. Sorry for all the rambling,

Take Care, and God Bless the TERROR Crew, and their families…..always. (12/2002)

John Barr

I do, indeed. have John Barr on my roster of Terror crewmen. John enlisted May 11, 1943 and went on Terror as a Seaman 2c on July 20, 1943. When wounded on May 1 , 1945 he was transferred to the Hospital Ship USS Samaritan. He was a MM3 at that time.

Allie Ryan

Barr, Philip Emery :

Philip Barr

My Father was on the USS Terror ( not sure about the dates). He passed away in 1983 of cancer. I know he was a cook and a Petty Officer Third Class. We had the same painting that’s on your home page in our living room. I remember looking at it for hours. I flipped out when I saw it on your website. You are doing a really good thing by having this website. Thank you very much, Bill Barr(son)  (12/2006) Another Photo

Batory, Martin :

My name is Stan, my grandfather Martin Batory served on USS Terror and he was killed on May 1st 1945 in the suicide attack . His daughter (my mother) never meet him (know him only from photographs). She looks for somebody who used to know him, have some information and photos or share memories. Please let me know, she will be so happy. Thank you very much (3/2008)

Stanley Winiarski

Beeghly, Wood :

Crewman starting July 30th, 1942

Benda, John Paul :

My grandfather served onboard the USS Terror during World War II. His  name was John Paul Benda. He met his lifelong friend Danny Asenze while onboard. My grandfather passed away on October 13, 2004 and I’d like to add his name and his friend Danny’s to your website.

LTJG Benda, J.A.

Briggs, Gifford G. :

My grandfather, Gifford G. Briggs served as a Mine Man first class. The USS Terror was the first ship that he served on. He came aboard during 1943. He’s never cared for computers but when I pulled up the site he sat here for hours looking at it. He has a watercolor that he produced while in Pearl Harbor. If you would like contact him, E-mail me at

Birch, Charles F. (Coxswain) :

He was on the USS Terror and was transferred to the USS Waters during WW II. He was on Temporary Duty on the Waters. He was killed on Feb. 22, l945 during an underwater mine sweep off the shores of Iowa Jima.

This is just a note to tell you how much I appreciated the contact with Roger Millsapp concerning my father Charles F. Birch. Mr. Millsapp and I had a conversation about my father this past August and I was proud to know that someone out there had remembered my Dad. My dad was on the USS Terror a short time and was killed off the shores of Iowa Jima on 2/22/45. (10/2002)

Joyce (Birch) Halberstadt

Biscay, Leon :

Leon was the barber on the ship. I believe he was instrumental in helping to organize the first reunion in Fresno, CA. While not yet computer friendly, he has some grandkids who may be able to get him involved in the future. (12/2001)

Blair, Jack P. :

My dad, Jack P. Blair, was assigned to the USS Terror as an electricians mate. He often spoke of the time he spent aboard ship. He was born in Ogdensburg, NY in 1918 and I believe entered the Navy in 1944. He recently passed away this year. He would tell hours upon hours of “war stories” to his grandchildren and great grandchildren. I would love to hear from any of his shipmates. It would really mean a lot to the great grandchildren he has left behind. (10/2007)

Norrie Wojcik

Boers, Wallace E. :

Boers, Wallace E. : My husband’s grandfather Wallace E. Boers served aboard the Terror. We do not know anything about the time he served and would be extremely grateful if someone had any information or pictures that they could send us. Mr. Boers passed away in December, 2001. Thank you for your wonderful website.

Cindy Diaz

Borsari, Louis G. :

My father Louis G. Borsari served aboard the ship from 1943-1945 from what he told myself, I would love to hear from anyone who served with him. Dad passed away in 8/1988 and often spoke of his experiences, in fact I have a framed picture of her on my wall. (10/2002)

Brewer, Arthur S. :

My Father Arthur S Brewer served aboard the Terror ’44 – ’45. He passed away October 26, 2000. If anyone knew him and has any stories to tell, please contact me. I would like to pass them along to his grandchildren. Also has anyone gone through the process of obtaining replacement medals? I am building display box for my son and would like to include them along with his flag from the funeral and pictures.

Mark A Brewer 406 E 9th #20 Newberg OR 97132

Mark A. Brewer

Brown, Willie :

My father, Willie Brown served on the USS Terror and I would like to hear from anybody that knew him or served with him. Also I would like to know if there is anyway to get his medals replaced. You can write me at (8/2002)


Carey, Dick:

 C.R. Carey later went by his middle name Richard. He was in the Electrical division and was also in the engine room. At one point he typed for Commander Glasscott.(10/2002)

My Dad doesn’t feel like getting out much anymore and can no longer drive. But he does love to talk about his Terror days. (9/2004)

David Carey

Causee, Robert F.:

Robert Causee

Ahoy Shipmates, Wow My father was on the Terror. My dad Robert F. Causee was onboard about May of 1946. This is so neat. I told my dad . He couldn’t believe it . He’d love to hear from you. (9/2007)

He talks about his memories a lot. We saw a picture of him on the site. His Grandson(my son)is a Lt. in the Navy and was impressed and proud of his Grandpa. Wow my son looks just like him. (12/2007)

Lt Chris Causee, is the grandson of Robert Causee who was on the USS Terror. Chris is now studying for his Master’s Degree at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Ca. He was commissioned in May of 2003. His first duty station was Sasebo, Japan aboard the USS Essex and included an 8 month deployment to the Persian gulf. His next duty station was Norfolk, VA aboard the USS Cape St. George and that also included a deployment to the Persian Gulf. The Cape St. George was attacked by pirates off the coast of Somalia.(12/2007)

Lt. Chris Causee

His Son

Cebrero, Pete:

Pete Cebrero

Peter passed away in 2002 and while he always told his family of a combat wound he suffered, there is no record and his family is looking if anyone can verify the incident which probably happened 2/1/45 to 4/30/45. They want to received his purple heart that they feel he earned. Can you help?(10/2003)

Allie Ryan

Colello, Joseph S. :  His Story

My father, Joseph S. Colello, served on the Terror, and was on it during the attack. He tells an amazing story of how he happened to be able to find his way out of the smoke and fire. He was burned very badly, and spent, I think, 6 months or so in the hospital after they got him off the ship. I think he suffered for many years from his injuries. He’s still alive, healthy and kicking, though! He lives here in Albany, NY, with my Mom. They’re like kids!. (2001)

Vicki Colello

April 27, 1945, “Reported aboard for duty –with bag, hammock, records and—papers in hand, Colello, Joseph S.C. S1c(RM)”. He came aboard as Flag Allowance, Admiral Sharp’s staff. He was on the ship three full days when —. Does this strike you as a “wrong place, wrong time” kind of guy?(2001)

Allie Ryan

Combs, Albin :

My dad, Albin Combs arrived on board in July, 1943 as an electrician’s mate 2/C in the E division. I have heard so many stories about a lot of his shipmates and the ship. Albin is still living, but he does not have a computer. If any of his shipmates that remember Albin would like to write to him, his address is 1775 Guynn Rd. Paint Lick, KY 40461. He would love to hear from you. If you want to send any in via e-mail, I can forward it to him. My grandfather, Albin Combs served on the USS Terror and was in Engineering Div. E. He lost his battle with cancer on March 29,2003. He was proud to serve with his fellow sailors.

Joe Combs

My grandfather, Albin Combs served on the USS Terror and was in Engineering Div. E. He lost his battle with cancer on March 29, 2003. He was proud to serve with his fellow sailors.

Jeanna Turner

Cserny, Bill :

Bill Cserny

Bill Cserny came on board Terror July 30, 1943. 

Allie Ryan

Csizmar, John:

My Dad was John Csizmar who was mentioned in the article and was on the Terror when it was hit off Okinawa. He died back in 1968 after retiring as a LCDR with 31 years in the service. My sister has the piston from the Jap plane that hit the terror. My dad had it engraved with details of the attack. He lost his roommate in the attack and we would visit the cemetery in Connecticut and put flowers on the grave when I was a youngster. Dad received the Bronze Star for fighting fires below deck and spraying water on the mines so they would not blow up. Dad had a lot of memories about the war years and the Terror always surfaced when he talked about the horrors of war. He was fond of “Error” because a crewmember brought him aboard late one night as a puppy hidden under his jumper. The sailor insisted that it would be good for morale and would not grow much bigger. Dad said “if it does, it will be your error”. (2/2004)

Jack Csizmar


Depot, Ed :

Ed Depot

Dominick, Henry Nantz :

Henry was a Water tender First Class and was in the Forward Fire Room from it’s commissioning in 1942 till right before the Terror went to the Pacific Theater. Worked to get the ship into shape after commissioning and was on the ship when it went to Casablanca to bring ammo to Patton and lay mines in the harbor. He is deceased.

Justine D. Simone

Duke, Tom :

My father was on the USS Terror. His name is Tom Duke. He would like to hear from any one who knew Him. He can be reached by my E-mail. (7/2002)

Jeff Duke

Dupler, Leon W. :

My father, Leon Dupler, S1/c on board June 7, 1945 served on the Terror in 1945 and 1946. He was a Seaman First Class in the M Division (mine division). He is from Maple, Texas and is still living in that area. He had some good friends that I would like to try to find, a man with the last name of Burkham from Marshall, Texas and Steve Waterson from Concord, New Hampshire. If you ever have any correspondence from these men, please let me know.. (7/2003)

Susan Sears


Eppig, John : Killed in Action 5/1/45

John was in the mess area during the attack. His brother Henry is looking for information about his death and burial. Anyone with info would be much appreciated. He is listed on the Honolulu Monument for soldiers or sailor missing in action or buried at sea.

Colin Ringleib


Faucher, John :

 My father, John Faucher, survived that final attack. He was in the Quad 40 mount the plane crashed under but he doesn’t talk about it much. he lives at 15 Madison Ave. Massena, NY 13662. If any of you remember him, I am sure he would love to hear from you. (12/2002)

Fitch, Commander Howard Wesley :

Commander Howard Wesley Fitch was married to my maternal grandmother’s sister, Louise. He was born 17 September 1895 in Omaha, Nebraska. He graduated from USNA 6 June 1918, 16th in class of 199. He married Louise in Annapolis on 12 June 1920. He retired from USN 30 June 1950. Earned Bronze Star and Legion of Merit. He died 1 June 1967 in Riverside, California, and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Attached is a picture of Uncle Howard in front of Terror. I believe it is an official Navy photo, as the back is stamped “confidential”, which presumably is not in effect anymore. Feel free to add this picture and Uncle Howard’s information to your website.

Sam Clarke

Fitzgerald, Joseph P. :

Joseph P. FitzGerald

The web site is truly a comfort to our family members to be able to share the history and such a great honor to our father, Joseph P. Fitzgerald, who was a member of the engineering crew on board the Terror and was serving during the kamikaze attack, and to all the men who proudly served. My father and I attended the USS Terror Reunion in Oklahoma City in 2004 and he had a wonderful time meeting some men he served with and sharing experiences I am sure he felt not many people would understand. He passed away the following year, but we were always so glad he was able to attend that reunion as it was something he had always wanted to do. It was especially memorable for me to witness him and his former crewmen bond and connect after living through the attack and the war.

Mary Fitzgerald

Flaisher, Nathan

Nathan Flaisher

My father died 3 years ago but I will write what I believe to be his service aboard USS Terror. Nathan NMI Flaisher (April,8 1926-April 10 2018)was inducted into the Navy upon graduation from Cass Technical H.S. in Detroit Michigan in the summer of 1944. His basic training was at Great Lakes in Chicago. He was sent to Pearl Harbor where his machinist skills were deployed in a land based machine shop either on Ford Island or Waipao Point where his duties were mainly straightening drive shafts on landing craft damaged in deploying troops in the Pacific. I believe the Terror came into port damaged from a kamikaze attack and he never sailed on her until after VJ day. He came out of the Navy in 1947 as Chief petty officer 2nd class Machinist Mate. He also boxed as a light heavy weight while at Pearl. Attached are photos of my father and several of Terror circa 1946. The dog pictured was the ships mascot and his name was Error! I have many more photos of the ship if you would like them.  If you would, pls provide a link to your site when it is up and running. Link to a Japanese Blueprint he obtained. (2021)

Les Flaisher


Grassi, Louis :

I’m proud to say my father Louis Grassi served aboard in 44’and 45′. He passed away in 8/99, but I know he would have enjoyed this web site. We often talked about our Navy experiences his during WW11 and mine during Vietnam. If anyone knew my father (1st division) I’d appreciate a hello and a short story. my e-mail address is


Hall, Herman :

Herman Hall served on the USS Terror in 1944-1945. He is interested in any info that we can find for him about shipmates. He is living in KY and is ill. Please let me know about anything I can find for him concerning his time with the Terror.(12/2006)


Henderson, Bob :

I was aboard the Terror when we were hit by the Kamikaze but was transferred after repairs and a short visit to Sasebo, Japan. I lost some very close friends in the attack. I was a radarman and was in the radar shack when we were hit. Today, I live at Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, which is in the panhandle of Florida. Also, we are near Eglin Air Force Base located in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida..

Bob Henderson

Hewitt, Walter :

He came on board Dec 29, 1944 as a Seaman 2c. He was transferred from the ship March 1, 1946 as a Seaman 2c, at Treasure Island for processing and Separation at Lido Beach, L.I., N.Y.

Allie Ryan

My father passed away in 1985 and I recently came across the ship’s picture from Pearl Harbor in 1946. My father and I only had one conversation about his service time, and that was 30 years ago. He just never wanted to talk about that time. I didn’t even know the name of the ship until recently. If anyone remembers any further info, I would appreciate hearing it.

Walt Hewitt Jr

Hillman, Luther Monroe ” Buck” :

Buck Hillman

My brother, Luther Monroe Hillman, III served on the USS Terror In World War II as a signalman (Petty Officer) in the South Pacific. I believe he was assigned to that ship out of Norfolk, Virginia early on. He suffered a fall from the signalman’s area during a typhoon. He is deceased, now. I hope this will be a welcome addition to your web. Thanks, and may God Bless You and All of the Valiant servants of our great Country. The picture of the Terror, I provided was an official US Navy Photo given to my brother, Buck (Luther) or to my brother, Earl who was a Lt./Cdr in the US Navy. Earl is still living and also served in the South Pacific during the 2nd World War. (Earl is 92 years old.)

Frank Hillman

Hipp, Eugene:   

Eugene Hipp

Being the 11th of the 12 children, I didn’t get to hear too much about his days in the Navy. I think the only time that the subject came up of being in the military was when I was going to take the physical to get into the Air Force. From that point on, nothing was really ever talked about. Now that my mom is dividing photos and things from my dad and with the emergence of my 10 year old son asking questions, I am trying to find out a little more about what my dad was really like when he was younger. I wish I would have done this before he passed away. About the last 5-7 years of his life he suffered from Alzheimer’s so that didn’t help too much. There were days I would go see him and he didn’t recall that he had a son named Timm. Once in a while he would remember my older brothers but that was few and far between.
Any stories that the crew could share about what kind of person he was like, what his activities on the ship were and any dreams/goals that he shared would be greatly appreciated.
My father was a quiet man and really didn’t talk to much about his past except when we would pry it out of him.
I would like to thank you for all your help. I’m starting to learn that I should document my life so my son doesn’t have to go thru the same things I’m going thru right now.

Timm Hipp

Hite, Bill:

He was born in Huntington, WV and spent most of his life at his home on the other side of the Ohio river at South Point, OH. He passed away in 1991 at the age of 64.

Bill had several pictures from his days on the Terror. Among them are two on the Terror site. One is ” “The Gang” Sasebo, Japan”, and another is “Rork, Fred and Van on forecastle, Japan, 1945”. He also had others that are unidentified.  His family also has his original blue uniform with the ribbons still attached. I’d like to find someone who could identify what they mean.

I’ve attached Bill’s copies of “The Gang”. In the first picture Bill is second from the right sitting on the rim of the boat in front with his dixie cup tilted to back. In the second picture he’s sitting in the same place without his hat. Click to see pictures

Mack Gore, Cocoa, FL

Hogan, A. C.:

My father started the USS Terror Ship Reunion almost 20 years ago. His name is A. C. Hogan, now residing in Port Arthur, Texas. He does not use the computer; however, I will be happy to relay any messages.(10/2006)

Lana Flory

Humphreys, Ira Douglas :



Hynes, Jack :

Yes, I served in Terror shortly after Iwo, transferring from Specter. Got banged up 1 May and ended up in an army hospital in Guam. I rejoined Terror following a stay at mine assembly base in Pearl. Came back to the states after the typhoon at Okinawa and picked up the “MO”. I was in the same ward as chief Stakitch when he passed away. I can put more info for his family when I check my archives.

Jack Hynes


Kushner, William P. :

My father served aboard the USS Terror in 1945. He died in 1984 and I would like to learn more about his experience on the Terror. His name was William P. Kushner. I would like to know if I could find out his dates of service on the Terror, MOS (Military Operating Specialty), and any other information you could possibly provide me. Thank You

John P. Kushner

William P. Kushner, Seaman 2c 717-57-03 came on board Terror Feb. 21, 1946. He does not appear on the Muster Roll of June 30, 1946. He must have left the ship between 3/31/46 and 6/30/46. He was V6 and Reservists were being discharged in droves at that time.

Allie Ryan


Lopez, Jose

Jose Lopez

Colin, my father was a 28 year old man with a wife, two children, and one child on the way when he was inducted into the US Navy, in April of 1944. He was one of three brothers who served in WWII. His two younger brothers served in the Army, in Europe, while my dad served in the Navy, in the Pacific. Despite this common, yet diverse experience, the three brothers did not discuss their war time service. My father was well into his 80’s before I began to ask him about his war time experiences. He did recall that there was an Admiral Sharp closely associated with his ship but didn’t say the Terror was the Admiral’s flag ship. Although many details were lost or difficult to recall, such as his memory of the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, his most clear memory was the fear and excitement surrounding the kamikaze attack on his ship. He remembered men running for cover, followed by attempts to put out fires and help the injured. He never quantified the extent of casualties ( perhaps he didn’t know ), of 41 dead, 7 missing, and 123 wounded. It was not until after his death, that I received his discharge papers indicating that he had been awarded two Bronze Stars. He never mentioned them in our conversations.

Sandra Lopez