Crew Info – M to Z

M to Z


This information only includes individuals who authorized their information be included or family members who provided the information. If it is inaccurate or you wish it to be removed, contact me at If you have details or a short story about a crew member or a simple picture, please forward it to me and I will try and add them.


Marra, Nicholas : 

My father was on the USS Terror and today we found the site for the first time. We read that Henry Eppig was looking for info on his brother John. My father knew John and will call Henry with the info. he has regarding John’s death and possible burial place. (2001)

Vincent Marra

Martin, Byron Francis : 

I have enjoyed looking over your Web site and noticed you accept information about those who served during World War II. Through information I have obtained from my only living uncle, Harold Martin of Gainesville, Florida, I can give you the following information about his brother and my uncle, Byron Francis Martin:

He joined the U.S. Navy by permission of his mother at age 17 and was assigned to the USS Terror with the rank of Seaman 2d Class (S2/C). He was aboard when the peace treaty was signed on the USS Missouri and was involved in patrolling the waters of the far South Pacific in clean-up operations. My uncle Harold, an Aviation Ordnanceman 3d Class (AOM 3/C), indicated there were mines afloat and Terror was involved in controlling this situation. Both entered the service in Opp, Alabama. My Uncle Byron was killed in an automobile accident in December 1967 at age 39. (6/2004)

Joe Griffin

McClosky, Charles R. : 

My name is Charles R. McClosky. I boarded the USS Terror on Sept. 7, 1943, served aboard her until June 1st, 1944 as a baker. I live in Annapolis, MD. I am in touch with the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, ref. the model of the Terror which was started by Lt. Ed Doty in California. We are in hoping the model will be completed some time this year. Phone no. 410-266-3681, e-mail address (2000)

Charles R. McCloskey

McMahon, John C. : 

My uncle was aboard the Terror and was killed by the (%$*#@) kamikaze. Its a lot of bad memories. His name was John C. McMahon and was from Philadelphia, Pa. I was wondering if you have any photo’s of the crew before the attack, or any other info that is not on the web site.(6/2001)

Jim Brem

Metzger, George E. : 

He was a Radarman 2nd class on the Terror. If anyone would like to get in touch with him, his address is 24 Eldridge St. East Northport, NY 11731, 631-499-4131 His son’s e-mail address is and he will be happy to forward any messages to him.

Mitchell, Vaughn E.

My father, Vaughn E. Mitchell (b. Clarksville, Arkansas 1927, d. Little Rock, Arkansas 1999) served on this ship. I will send whatever details I can glean from my Mother and brother regarding his service onboard and send soon. He went on to work as a master carpenter, serving as construction superintendent for TG&Y for decades, worked all across the country and would really enjoy when he reconnected with someone from his “Holy Terror”.

Linda Mitchell

Mount, Gene M. : 

My name is Ross Mount and your website is interesting to me. My father’s name was Gene M. Mount and he was in the Navy during WWII, and I was told he was on board, and served on the U.S.S. Terror. I can not confirm this with my father, he passed away in 1983 of a heart attack. I know he talked to me when I was younger about the war. He didn’t talk much about it , but when he did, I listened very intently. He was very passionate about the military and I know he was proud to serve his country in that way. My question to you is, are you able to confirm his service on board the Terror? And, if so would you be able to add his name to your list? Thank you for your consideration, and help. (10/2007)

Ross Mount


Navarro, Albert C..: 

My father, Albert C. Navarro would have loved this site. He served on the USS Terror and though he rarely spoke of his personal experiences, he always spoke proudly of the vessel and men he served with. Thanks and welcome home!!! (6/2007)

Albert A. Navarro II


Odom Richard F.: 

I’m sitting here with my father-in-law who served on the U.S.S. Terror, assigned July 15th 1942.  He enlisted right after Pearl Harbor and when he finished radio school he was assigned to the Terror.  He was a radioman who was at his station during the attack. Dick is 88 years young with a sharp mind and wit.  He resides in Orangeburg, SC.(6/2010)

Joe LaMonica


Pardon, William M.: 

William M. Pardon F1c on Terror 7/26/42. (1/2003)

Mark Pardon


Ranft, Virgil: 

I’m interested in learning more about my grandfather, Virgil Ranft, who was killed while serving on the USS Terror.(10/2006)


Rask, Oscar Julious (OJ): 

Oscar Julious (O.J.) Rask served on the U.S.S. Terror (CM-5) from 14 August 1945 to 19 November 1945. As a Fireman First Class, he was given his honorable discharge and left the Navy on 21 August 1946, serving one year, four months and sixteen days.

O.J. married in May, 1951 and over the next ten years, he and his wife, Carolyn, had four children, two girls and two boys. He made a successful living selling fork-lift trucks and spent the last ten years of his life manufacturing and selling fishing tackle and bait (good excuse to go fishing all the time). He died of a heart attack on 9 November 1984, just a couple weeks shy of his 57th birthday.

He always talked fondly of his days in the Navy and aboard the Terror.

Mark Rask

Reed, George Donald

George D. Reed

George Donald Reed served on the USS TERROR from December 1946 to December 1947 as Chief Machinist’s Mate. Mr. Reed actively served the U.S. Navy more than 20 years. He remained friends with several Navy buddies until the time of his unexpected death in 1977. He was exemplary father and a selfless volunteer at his church, Easter Seals and the VA Medical Center in Des Moines, IA. He was a snazzy dresser, never knew a stranger and maintained an immaculate lawn and garden. George revered his time at sea and the men with whom he served.

Shelly Reed Thieman

Ringleib, William: 

William Ringleib

Bill was an electrician on the Terror and it was the only ship he served on during his time in the Navy. He dropped out of High School early to sign up in the Navy. He went to Mine School and after graduation was assigned to the Terror. Bill was wounded during the Kamikaze attack and transferred onto the SS Samaritan. After recovering from his wounds he rejoined the Terror after her repairs in San Francisco, CA.

He thought about staying in the Navy after the war but decided to go back to civilian life when he heard he could be making $18 per week at home. (Luckily he went home or I may never have been born) Bill passed away March 21, 2004. (Updated 2004)

Colin Ringleib

Roberts, O. R. (Bob or Junior):

My name is Martha [Roberts] Claussen. I am trying to find info about my father[O.R. {BOB}or{Junior} Roberts. He was aboard the USS Terror sometime between 1945 & 1950, not sure of the exact date. He is from Texas.(7/2003)

Martha [Roberts] Claussen

Your father, “O” “R” Roberts Jr. S1/c came on Terror 4/18/ 1946. Terror was decommissioned 11/27/1947 at Charleston. S.C. He, now a GM 3/c. along with all personnel, left the ship. His enlistment expired 4/17/1948, so he probably was assigned to another ship or station.(7/2003)

Allie Ryan

Rodenburg, Henry: (killed in Kamikaze attack 5/1/45) 

This is very difficult for me to talk about. My brother Henry was aboard the Terror from the end of 1944 until the ship was hit by the Kamakaze plane, he didn’t survive. He was a Radar man and stood watch for a friend while the friend got some coffee and that’s when the ship was hit. He was stationed aboard the USS Conway, DD507, for about two years before being assigned to the Terror. He also was a pretty good guitar player and was engaged to be married when he got home. I still miss him and its been over 50 years since his death! I was very happy to find this site. Thanks for doing this, it says somebody cares and keeps the memory alive of those who didn’t come home. If any of his shipmates remember him I would love for them to E-Mail me about anything they might remember regarding Henry’s time aboard the Terror, I would appreciate it very much. (2000)

Herman Rodenburg


Saftler, Bernard J. :

Bernie Saftler

Saw your website on the USS Terror, and wanted to give you some information on my father, Bernard J Saftler, who was one of her crew back in 1943, while the ship was based in the Norfolk area. I found a lot of this information recently while looking through letters he wrote back home during the war. My grandparents saved them, and I “rescued” and digitized them about 18 months ago. Here’s what I found out about his service on the Terror:

After 6 months of basic training and fire control school in Newport, RI, he arrived on board the USS Terror on April 14 or 15th, 1943. His letter of the 13th talks about being assigned to a small ship, a letter of the 15th notes it is being written on board the Terror. They went through a lot of maneuvers and drills in the Chesapeake Bay most of the spring and summer, mostly in Yorktown, where they were docked, but with trips to Norfolk and Virginia Beach for training exercises from time to time.

Sometime in early September of 1943, he had an appendectomy, which took him off active duty presumably. After a few weeks of recovery, plus some leave at home, he arrived back in Yorktown on October 5, 1943 to find that the Terror has shipped out a few days earlier and was steaming towards the Pacific. At first, they were going to ship him to California to meet up with his ship in San Francisco, but ultimately he was reassigned to the destroyer “Charles J. Badger” on October 22, 1943. This was a fortunate thing for him, as he quite possibly would have been on duty in May, 1945 when the ship was hit by a kamikaze. I recall hearing stories of how he saw the kamikaze hit the Terror from his position nearby on the Badger, but I have yet to come across any documentation which might confirm or deny this story.

Dad passed away in September, 2007, and we found a lot of his service information while cleaning out his house. Wanted to share this information with you, also to correct the “On Board” date listed in Allie Ryan and David Mincey’s book on the Terror. They show him on board as of July 15, 1942. This, of course, would have been impossible, as Dad didn’t enlist until October of that year. I’ve included a picture of my father if you wish to post it with his service notes on your website. (2/2008)

Scott Saftler Walnut Creek, CA

Schmaling, Fred R. :

I came aboard the Terror on June 7th 1945, my 18th birthday. My fisrt impression of the ship was that it was being dismantled. It had just arrived back in the US. It was a few days before I was assigned to the aft fire room. I was on the Terror the rest of my Navy career. I was discharged August, 1946. I did help Mr. Hartung, who passed away recently, with the reunion in Portland, OR. (12/2001)

Fred Schmaling

Schultz, Lester Herbert

My father, Edgar Leroy Schultz was the youngest brother of Lester Herbert Schultz. Lester was the only gunner to fire shots on the incoming kamikaze pilot on May 1st, 1945, that attacked the USS Terror. I have recently been given a scrapbook that my Aunt put together about my Uncle Lester (my middle name sake) which is what has led me to want to gather more information about the May 1, 1945 attack, and ultimately, to your website.

One more thing Colin… I want to give credit to Uncle Lester’s sister, my Aunt Lorraine (Dolly) Winkler for creating and keeping up with the scrapbook that this information was retrieved from.

See more info from the scrapbook on the Schultz Post

Ric Eric Lester Schultz

Shea, Francis A. :

I have been doing research on my father Francis A. Shea S1C (MS). After looking through his service records I find that he was on the U.S.S. Terror (CM-5) from Sept. 20, 1944 to Nov. 16, 1944. He was transferred to the Terror for temporary duty in connection with mine sweeping gear. Upon completion of this temporary duty and when directed by proper authority, he was returned to Service Force Administration for resumption of his regular duties in the Flag Allowance of Service Squadron Six. He left the military Jan.1946 as an Electricians Mate 3/c.

What was included in the packet received from the National Personnel Records Center was a copy of a form stating he was on the Terror when it crossed the Equator on Nov. 10, 1944. I was told at one time that my father was on a ship that went down sometime in WWII and after logging on to your site I find that this was not the ship. More research is needed I guess.

My father passed away in 1984 at the age of 65yrs. and is buried in San Bruno, California which was where he was stationed in the war. He entered the service in Syracuse, New York but brought his family West to settle in the area he learned to love while in the military.(6/2002)

I have found that dad was transferred to the USS Monadnock after the Terror. I am still researching and expect it will take a lot more time than I thought. After the Monadnock he was transferred to AdCominPac for duties in the Flag Allowance of ComMineCraft. (7/2002)

Oressa Shea

Sheaters, Charles :

Charles B. Sheaters BM2/c was aboard the Terror from April 44 to June 46.

Charles Sheaters

Shirk, Carl :

I do some handy work for a former crewman of the Terror, Mr. Carl Shirk. He was aboard the Terror during the Kamikaze attack. He has told me so much about his tour of duty during WWII. I can only thank him for sharing his accounts of such a monumental time in our history. Mr. Shirk is about 93 years old and until recently was is good general health. I am glad I found your website so I can learn more about the CM-5. (2000)

Chris Walker

He was in the Radio shack on board Terror. While the rest of us were mere kids, Carl was an “old man” in his 30’s. He had, I think, two children at that time. He wasn’t Carl – he was Pops or Dad. Please pass on my best. He won’t remember me but remind him of his picture of the ship and “Error” the dog. (2000)

Allie Ryan

Steele, Frank:

He was on duty at the 40 mm gun port side of the bridge when the Terror was attacked by the Kamikaze. Read his remembrance of that day.

Stephens, Argus:

My uncle Argus Stephens served aboard Terror during WW2, he was killed during kamikaze attack on May1, 1945. My mom, his sister, would love to hear from anyone who knew him an maybe have pictures of him. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Please contact

Stakich, Mike John:

Mike Stakich, 282 93 75 CWT(PA)USN, served on the Terror and he was wounded during the kamikaze attack. He was transferred from the ship for medical attention but died from his wounds on 5/5/45.(2001)

Staten, Harry Lee: (killed in Kamikaze attack 5/1/45) 

Harry Staten

In WWII Harry Lee Staten was an anti-aircraft gunner on board the Ship The USS Terror , he died instantly when a suicide plane hit him. May 01, 1945 He was born to Henry and Ellie Brown Staten, 07-03-1927 He was buried at Masonic, Charleston Cemetery, Charleston Ms. He was loved by the entire community of Paynes, Tallahatchie County, Ms. Helen Arnold

Sylvia, Arthur:

My father, Arthur Sylvia, served on board the Terror From at least 10/2/43 to 6/1/45.  My father past away in 79, But mother is still alive. I made a copy of ships log for her. He was first class P.O. Chief Carpenter on board. (3/2002)


Teller, LCDR Henry dePeyster:

Last commanding officer was LCDR Henry dePeyster Teller USNR, took over command and was CO during decommissioning at Charleston Navy Yard, (South Carolina). It was, I believe 1952. He passed away in 1978. (5/2003)

David Teller

Taylor, Ralph Fuller, Jr., Lt.J.G.:

My brother, Lt.J.G. Ralph Fuller Taylor, Jr. was assigned to the USS Terror as a Mine Disposal Officer during the Pacific Campaign in WW II. He was aboard during the run-up to the invasion of Okinawa, and actually participated in the clearing of the beaches prior to the invasion by U.S. Marines who were part of the task force that supported the invasion.

I was also in the U.S. Navy during WW II. In June 1945. I had just arrived at Ford Island N.A.S and was awaiting further transfer to duty. Ralph was back at Pearl Harbor, having returned with the damaged USS Terror, so we met several times for about a month and swapped stories.

One of the stories he told me concerned the Kamikaze attack on the Terror which occurred during the battle for Okinawa. On the morning of the attack, Ralph was back aboard the Terror, had gone to the Ward Room for breakfast, and during breakfast, the attack occurred. The Kamikaze airplane hit the Terror hull near the location of his quarters, and if he had not been in the Ward Room at the time, would likely have been killed. I am uncertain if his roommate was still in quarters or whether he was injured or killed as a result.

On August 16 (?) when the A-bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, followed by the second bomb on Nagasaki, the Japanese surrendered. Ralph was dispatched to Japan suddenly and unexpectedly to help disarm the Japanese submarine fleet berthed in Kure and other Japanese naval ports. I did not see him again until after we were both discharged and returned to our home town, Bellwood, PA, I being the last to return in May 1946. Ralph remained in the Naval Reserve returning to active duty as a Finance Officer for a time, and ultimately attained the rank of Commander in the Finance Corps.

He died in retirement at about age 83 at Wild Dunes, Isle of Palms, South Carolina, and was later interred along with his wife, Francine, at Arlington National Cemetery. Ralph’s daughter, Elizabeth (“Betsey”) Fitzsimon lives in Dublin, Ireland. 

James W. Taylor, AETM 1/C

Temple, Howard C.:

Our dad, Howard C. Temple (He passed 11/28/79), was aboard the USS Terror, and for our lifetime, a photograph of the painting displayed on the homepage graced our living room wall. We were, however, disappointed to find that his name was not listed as a crew member. He was from Meriden, CT. We have heard many stories of the USS Terror and have much memorabilia from the ship and our dad’s days in the service. Is there a way we can have his name, and the name of at least one buddy, Al Arscott also from Meriden, CT, added to the list of crew? (7/2004) He joined the ship as a QM3 on 7/20/1943.

Sandra T. Blodgett

Thomas, Herschel:

I was a short timer and a johnny come lately to the Terror, however, I remember a lot of my shipmates names. I would like to hear from anyone who remembers me. I have been in contact with Allie Ryan for couple of years, Herschel Thomas FN1- my e-mail address is (6/2002)

Turner, Addison:

Addison Turner

Addison’s initial duties were ASW on USS Biscayne(AVP-11) in the North Atlantic. He was transferred to Terror on 16 July, 1942 as one of the original crew. Transferred off Terror as a QM3, he was ultimately assigned to PC 1246 operating in the Mediterranean. He was discharged in 1948 as QM1 and currently resides in Florida. (2001)

Allie Ryan


VanFossen, Lawrence:

He was injured to some degree during the Kamikaze attack. He said that he was way up a look-out tower and was blown out and landed a long ways away – but on the deck, and was miraculously not killed. But was knocked unconscious for quite a while I believe. He was originally from Montpelier, Ohio, and I think he joined up at 17 yrs old.

I know that he went to a gathering maybe 10 yrs or so ago .. maybe little more than that by now I s’pose … up this way. He lived in the Tampa/St Pete Florida area most of his adult life, but I recall him coming north for a reunion for the ship. Maybe in Chicago?

It’s been a few yrs since he told me this, and he died 5 (?) yrs ago or more by now. But I know that he would want to be included.  (2012)

Chad Oxender(Grand Nephew)


Ziehmer, Clarence G.:

Clarence (RdM3) came on board Feb. 23, 1945. He was a radar technician. He left the ship during the first quarter of 1946. He is now deceased. (2001)

Brett Ponton